
This site smells like a damask rose.
Check this out!

Disturbing Ballet Images.
I'm into Ballet since I've come to dig out the life of
legendary Vaslav Nijinski and Anna Pavlova.I Love Nijinski!!!

Radiohead homepage! I bet you'd like this page whether you're a fan of the band or not.
Absolutely cool!

Cyper artmuseum presented by intel. Van Gogh's Van Gogh.
Viewing service in three dimensions. |

I almost cried at his recital in Pusan where I live in
Incredible violin player. ONE of my favorite violin players.
It makes me feel numb with the violin sound.
Even though I learned how to play the flute,
I'm more into cello and violin.
My sisters learned how to play the violin, and the cello.
But it seems we all are not gifted. Especially I. =) |

Bjork. One of my favorite female artist. |

Little earthquakes. Tori amos.
I'm a fan of her ^^.

Your level of depression test.Interesting.

Fun test such as Un-intelligence, Purity test.
Glenn Gould foundation!!!
I found this site surfing on the net

The official website of 'sweet crusader' Alanis morissette.