I become a little bit bashful in this diary stuff.
I mean, I'm nothing but an ordinary, absolutely normal person....
And writing a diary note(close to "Scrawling"^^)
and sharing it with unfamiliar people on-line...
Furthermore, my English is totally poor(this is the weak point!)
Then why I dare to do this? Just I needed some small space
to write on, that's all, I don't mind whether people mock me or not,
this will also help me improve my English.
Of course, I have another secret first diary in my drawer privately.
I thought it would be fun to write on some of the incidents around ourselves with some fragmentary thoughts(long or short)--- We do unimaginably many things each day, We eat, we drink, we think, we give off emotions, we talk, we write, we enjoy, we learn, we meet, we study, we walk, we listen to, we help... (even when you think you do nothing and idle away watching time passes by in front of your eyes--- See, At least "you exist, sitting there"^^)
Sorry about my useless words below.
It's apparent that every individual should remember their own dignity. Every creatures(livings or non-living) has the right to be loved, to be regarded carefully and significantly. A web of relationships. Thanks, I'm alive...the scent of the trees and weeds. Felt a little bit of peace there, in the woods. Sylvan scences. It's wondrous to be in the Nature. Art, and Nature are Great!!!--- the awesome gift human-beings ����. (My future career life: ecologist!) I love minstrel and minstrelsy!
How old I am...let me see...already eighteen. What is youth and what is infirmity of old age...? I'm afraid to be old...(people in the bus were indifferent to the old man suffering, even they looked down on not knowing they would get old someday,too.) Nostalgia! I miss my hometown and the sea there. I'm breathing in the atmosphere of university life. My sudden freedom away from the extremely strict regulations as a high-schooler. Delve Into learning...Being exposed to the books... I love my present state and life My passion...the aspirations...I adore it...
Words cannot be a prefect tool to express the thoughts... It's sometimes inevitable to face an unpleasant situations (meeting people I don't like at all, etc) whether you like or not in the name of 'adjusting to the society'. 'mingling in the crowd'. I dunno how to handle that... But, there are also really respectful people I admire. Still reading the book title "The Mind's Sky---SETI(Search for extraterrestrial intelligence)" Too Interesting. Now got understood why my sister was so into "astronomy, stars, SETI, the movie 'contact', telescope, night sky..." "a naive, pure spirit".
Thanks God for the fact that I'm healthy, and I have my dear family... 5.12 Colors, a fawn, and ecosystem. The round earth. My own solitude. Too many shops and too many people on the street Staring at people addicted to shopping--- Saturday, on my way home. Will to live. Charmed, blessed life and its Nimbus
*The orient I'm from* Generosity is cool. Whodunit. A bird in the nest. Bought a botanical specimen, I love it! I'm gonna be an able ecologist. Don't forget my dream. Watched the movie, Elvira Madigan ---I Loved this movie!!! What is love...?
Eyes in luster. Luster in eyes. Herbal remedies. Avarice sucks. I dream of the simple, and abstemious life.
Intangible values. Bittersweet relationship. Nuns. I like them. Balance in life. Harmony Gorgeous Sunrise.I saw it! Oeuvre
Can't remember my childhood. I'm getting old. Big Scary Thing. Chemistry experiments.Schoolwork. Chemical Garden in the beaker.